Research Staff
Sound Archive „Towards Sonic Resocialization”
Phone: +49 30 20931-2862
Katarzyna Puzon is an anthropologist and works at the intersection of temporality, heritage, science and art. She has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Lebanon and Germany, and has been awarded various fellowships, including at the Orient-Institut Beirut and the Käte Hamburger Kolleg ‘global dis:connect’ at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. As a postdoctoral researcher, she was part of the founding team of the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage, directed by Sharon Macdonald. Beyond researching, teaching and publishing, she is committed to theoretically informed anthropological praxis and has produced diverse media. She also holds extensive experience of working in the language industry.
At the HZK, she works as a senior researcher in the project ‘Towards Sonic Resocialisation’. The project is based at the Lautarchiv and is funded by the German Lost Art Foundation (funding line: ‘Cultural Goods and Collections from Colonial Contexts’).
Office: Schloßplatz, D-10178 Berlin