The Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik (HZK) is a central institute of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU). As a central institute it pursues project-related multidisciplinary research, interdisciplinary teaching and its design. In an exemplary manner, research into cultural engineering combines research into scientific collections, research-related object and material-oriented teaching and a new type of scientific communication in the Humboldt Laboratory and in the Tieranatomisches Theater. On the basis of a unique infrastructure, the HZK links historical and future-oriented perspectives in cultural technology research at the level of practices, materials and objects of collecting, researching and designing. This creates a model for the Humboldtian University of the future in the heart of the discipline-organised university in the tradition of the Bauhaus.
Since 2021, the HZK has been managed by Sharon Macdonald and Daniel Tyradellis.