Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik

Zentralinstitut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Sound Archive


The Sound Archive is the only one of the many collections at the Humboldt-Universität to be directly based in the Helmholtz Centre for Cultural Techniques. This makes it possible to develop the collection with an interdisciplinary approach. In 2020, the Sound Archive will be relocated to the Humboldt Forum, a project which the Helmholtz Centre is involved in planning as the Humboldt-Universität’s representative. The archive’s relocation can therefore be planned with partners, and adjustments made to accommodate other activities.

The Sound Archive’s own website presents the collection’s history and holdings, its activities and the opportunities for research involving the archive: https://www.lautarchiv.hu-berlin.de/en/sound-archive/

Head of Collection of Sound Archive
Dr. Christopher Li

Assistant to the Head of Collection
Charly Bischoff

Research Staff „Towards Sonic Resocialization”
Alina Januscheck

Research Staff „Towards Sonic Resocialization”
Dr. Katarzyna Puzon

Research Staff „Towards Sonic Resocialization”
Dr. Alia Mossallam

Enquiries by Email: lautarchiv@hu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 30 2093 65820
Opening hours: by appointment
Location: Schloßplatz, D-10178 Berlin

If you would like to support the Sound Archive, we would appreciate any donation.
Please contact the head of the collection, Dr. Christopher Li.
A donation receipt can be issued