Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik

Zentralinstitut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Membership – Members

The members of the Hermann von Helmholtz Centre (HZK) consist of first and second members. All members of the HZK have the right to vote. Honorary professors, associate professors, private lecturers, university emeritus professors, lecturerships, visiting professors and guest lecturers have passive voting rights.

Initial membership
Initial members are employees of the HZK, including those who are financed by third-party funds. Assistant lecturers whose teaching assignments are awarded directly by the HZK are also first members.

Secondary Membership
Members of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin who are employed at an institute as professors, research assistants or employees in technology, service and administration can apply for a second membership at the HZK according to § 29 of the constitution of the Humboldt-Universität. With a second membership, scientists and scholars document their affiliation and collaboration at the HZK and, in particular, their interest in inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration in research and teaching. Secondary membership also opens up the right to vote and stand for election to the decision-making bodies of the HZK, in particular to the Centre Council.
For admission as a second member, the approval of the faculty and institute council of the home faculty must be obtained. As soon as the informal application for second membership and the approvals have been received at the HZK, the Centre Council of the HZK will vote on the second membership. After the vote has been taken, the faculty, institute and second member are informed by a protocol excerpt.
Please send applications for second membership to the following address: hzk.geschaeftsfuehrung@hu-berlin.de

Overview of members


  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle – Department of Art and Visual History / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp – The Cluster Matters of Activity / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Magdalena Buchczyk – Department of European Ethnology / Faculty of Philosophy
  • Frau Prof. Dr. Larissa Förster – Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste – Department for Cultural Goods and Collections from Colonial Contexts 
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Kassung – Department of Cultural History and Theory / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Klotz – Department of Musicology and Media Studies / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Sharon Macdonald – Department of European Ethnology / Faculty of Philosophy
  • Prof. Dr. John Nyakatura – Department of Biology / Faculty of Life Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rabe – Department of Physics / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schäffner – Department of Cultural History and Theory / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Schnalke – Medizinhistorisches Museum / Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Mathias Staudacher – Department of Mathematics and Physics / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Stock – Department of Cultural History and Theory / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Anke te Heesen – Department of History / Faculty of Arts and Humanitites
  • Prof. Dr. Viktoria Tkaczyk – Institute for Musicology and Media Studies / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Tyradellis – HZK
  • Prof. Dr. Joseph Vogl – Department of German Literature / Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities

Research staff

  • Tal Adler – HZK – inherit – heritage in transformation
  • Paul Brakmann – Department of Art and Visual History / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Isabel Bredenbröker – HZK – CARMAH – DFG Walter Benjamin Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Irene Hilden – HZK – inherit – heritage in transformation
  • Lea Hilsemer – Department of Art and Visual History / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Alina Januscheck – HZK – Sound Archive „Towards Sonic Resocialization”
  • Christina Kuhli – HZK – Art Collection
  • Britta Lange – Department of Cultural History and Theory / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Sarah Elena Link – HZK – Coordination Centre for Scientific University Collections
  • Katja Müller-Helle – Department of Art and Visual History / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Dr. Katarzyna Puzon – HZK – Sound Archive „Towards Sonic Resocialization”
  • Alia Rayyan – HZK – Chair “Theory and Practice of Interdisciplinary Curating”
  • Johannes Schäffer – HZK – Coordination Centre for Scientific University Collections
  • Martin Stricker – HZK – Coordination Centre for Scientific University Collections
  • Margareta von Oswald – HZK – inherit – heritage in transformation

Employees in technology, service and administration

Former employees

  • Daniel Apken – HZK – Exgavine
  • Marlene Bart – HZK – TA T
  • Dr. Marcus Becker – HZK – Das Fenster zur Natur und Kunst
  • Dr. Friedrich von Bose – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Franziska Blume – HZK – Kleine Humboldt Galerie
  • Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Bösl – HZK – Guest Professor “Vielfalt der Wissensformen”
  • Hartmut Burggrabe – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Zoe Büchtemann – HZK – Kleine Humboldt Galerie
  • Marie Egger – HZK – The Technical Image
  • Sarah Etz – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Feuchter – HZK – Guest Professor “Vielfalt der Wissensformen”
  • Christiane Gaedicke – HZK – The Technical Image
  • Nikolas Geier – HZK – Kleine Humboldt Galerie
  • Andreas Geißler – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Johanna Herschel – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Raphael Hoffmann – HZK – The Technical Image
  • Hengame Hosseini – HZK – The Technical Image
  • Anna Kalvelage – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Daria Kanishcheva – HZK / Humboldt Labor
  • Christian Kassung – HZK
  • Dr. Cornelia Kleinitz – HZK – Collection Coordinator
  • Herdis Kley – HZK – Sound Archive
  • Karin Knott – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Charlotte Kochan – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Jessica Korp – HZK – TA T
  • Anna Latzko – HZK – Kleine Humboldt Galerie
  • Nathalia Lavigne – HZK – Guest researcher Humboldt Labor
  • Margit Leverkühne – HZK
  • Prof. Dr. Carla Lois – HZK – Guest Professor Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
  • Marie Lührs – HZK – Sound Archive
  • Alia Mossallam – HZK – Guest researcher Sound Archive
  • Ana Nasyrova – HZK – The Technical Image
  • Nam Nguyen – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Aleph Niemeier – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Maria Ollesch – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Katharina Otto – HZK – TA T
  • Paula Pessoa-Hanitzsch – HZK – Sound Archive
  • Gorch Pieken – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Andreas Pinkow – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Evke Rulffes – Department of Cultural History and Theory / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Wolfgang Schäffner – HZK
  • Gisela Schmidbauer – HZK
  • Manouchehr Shamsrizi – HZK – Exgavine
  • Johanna Stapelfeldt – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Hanna Stoff – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Frauke Stuhl – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Anna Szöke – HZK
  • Julia Trinkle – HZK – Exgavine
  • Sabine Tschorn – HZK – Zentrale Sammlungskoordination
  • Kathleen Waak – HZK
  • Sarah Wagner – HZK – Das Fenster zu Natur und Kunst
  • Katja Widmann – HZK – Humboldt Labor
  • Nicole Wittmann – HZK – Kleine Humboldt Galerie