IT Systems Manager HZK
Phone: 030 2093-12889
Karsten Asshauer is a media computer scientist (system administrator and web developer) and IT project coordinator as well as communicator in the field of humanities informatics and digital culture.
He has been the IT systems manager at the Hermann von Helmholtz Zentrum für Kulturtechnik (HZK) since October 2019.
Previously, from 2014 to 2019, he managed the “HU-Box” (cloud storage) project at Humboldt Universität’s central computer and media service (CMS), worked in the Backup and Fileservice (TSM) team and was the CMS coordinator for Humboldt Universität’s IT officers.
From 2001 to 2013 he worked at the Institute for Art and Image History at Humboldt Universität in the areas of administration and development as well as coordination and communication in various research projects (including Requiem, Census, Bildakt und Verkörperung, Digital Peirce Archive, imagelab, imeji).
HU Website:
Office: Philippstr. 13, house 3, room 204 / attic floor