Elections to the Academic Senate/Concil and other committees at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will take place on January 12, 2021.
It is possible to vote by postal vote.
Postal ballot documents can be requested until 14.12.2020, 15:00 pm, from the local election committee responsible (https://gremien.hu-berlin.de/de/wahlen/oertliche-wahlvorstaende), in writing or by e-mail. Please note that the e-mail must be sent via the personal university e-mail account and electronically signed with a soft certificate issued by the university. As an alternative to the electronic signature using a soft certificate, you can attach an electronic copy of the signed postal vote application to your e-mail (personal university account).
You can find a form to request the postal vote documents at: https://gremien.hu-berlin.de/de/wahlen/formulare/Antrag_Briefwahl.pdf
The nominations for the election to the AS/Concil can be viewed here: https://gremien.hu-berlin.de/de/wahlen/wahlvorschlage/wahlvorschlaege-fuer-die-wahl-zum-akademischen-senat-konzil-am-12-01.2021
Further information on the committee elections can be obtained at https://gremien.hu-berlin.de/de/wahlen/ or from your local election committee. The local election committees also provide information about any further elections at decentralized level.