The funding line Open Humboldt Freiräume is now hosted by the HZK. The focus of this funding line is on the idea that researchers need enough time to engage in dialogue with society and to develop projects in the field of knowledge exchange, transfer and science communication.
The funded scientists will each receive a teaching reduction to 0 SWS for the 2024 summer semester or the 2024/25 winter semester. The Berlin University Alliance provides the institute at which the scientists are employed with personnel funds to finance the replacement position.
Professors, postdocs and doctoral students at HU Berlin are eligible to apply. The applicants’ positions must have a teaching load and be fully financed by HU funds.
Application deadline is 27th October 2023, 12 a.m.
For questions please contact Kathrin Klementz (HZK).
Call for applications for the SoSe 2024 or the WS 2024/25
To the website of the Open Humboldt Freiräume funding line
Time is What you Make of it – Photo © Matthias Heyde